"Seven Days...." *shock*
Tomorrow's the day.
Finish it and it'll be over~!
i dreamt of her.
i didn't want to wake up.
but i did.
The tension is building up as the days passes, and the day for our chinese oral is drawing nearer. and to ease that fustration, even if its just a bit, i shall trow away my face, to show you pictures that might add a little joy to the tedious life you suffer.

O'LEVELS IS HERE!!!!!! *shock* (scared??)
The true meaning of "duck-butt" hair. i own sasuke anytime.
Pretty pretty mom <3 49 years old!! (the power of make up!)

Olevels? what olevels?! XD
Went to Toy&Comic convention with Baka-chan on saturday. WAS SO CROWDED I COULD'NT APRECIATE ANYTHING. =___=
i could BARELY WALK.
And cheryl met TOKIDOKI. Only her BIGGEST crush ever XD she wanted him to sign her butt. but seriously. we didn't get to grab his autograph that day. so she went today, she had him draw her something, needless to say she's now in supercalafragalistic happy land. Met with shokujin-kun XD haha he was so shy, esp when we talked about invisi-bwra~ XDDD
Went to huimin's tuition today. seriously. huimin is gonna give her teacher hypertension XDD she's nice though, huimin, try your best not to kill her XD
school has started =D
i didn't have a good sleep last night... booooo....
today's lessons were over really quick! time flew by us very fast, and before you know it, school's over~!
and i DID MY CHEM HOMEWORK<3 <3 haha miracle~
Would anyone like to go to cosfest with this Naruto?
nothing much been happening. had a sleepover with debbie and cheryl around this time last week, but i slept my way through it so i'm in no position to comment XD
well its a SLEEPover, its only natrual that i sleep XD
anyway, finally played basketball this holiday =D I don't think i had put any effort in to my studies recently, so i feel a little dissapointed at myself lately.... ;___;
i have been watching....
Red Garden (the emotions in the voice acting is so real, it almost made me cry a few times. GREAT voice acting, the emotions in the show is also very realistic its annoying, and ALL THE L.MC SHAMLESS ADVERTISEMENTS ARE SOOO CUTEEE~! L.MC FTW~!)
Ghost hunt (GREAT ANIME, SUPER SCARY!! but you just can't stop watching it though its 2 in the morning and you are freaked out of your wits)
Katekyoshi hitman REBORN! (ULTIMATE WHOOTS~!!! 5927~!!!!!)
D gray man (Kanda.... ;___;, TYKIxEEZ~!!! SHOTAAAAAAAAA)
Monochrome factor (>D MY GOD SHIROGANExAKIRAAAAA~! i love shirogane's lipstick XD and his obvious hitting on akira XD)
Junjou Romantica (SOOO SWEET~! it gives me butterflies in my stomach~ FUWAAAA TE!)
I read it. I'm really sorry i couldn't come today you guys. (clique)
I feel really bad. I really did want to come, i might have come off as flippant when i replied that i couldn't go. and i really would have hated it if plans were thrown off because of my own pilight, but i was glad you all of you guys managed to have fun today =D
the trip sounded really good.
i'm an extremely dense and slow person, and i might not know what i'm doing wrong.
As friends, i really trust that our friendship is strong, and little things like my attitude towards things can be changed if we talk about it. i am really sorry if i had seemed ungrateful that i turned down the offer to go for the clique 0uting.
today was harsh. (kyouwa kibishii dayo ne?)
i did manage to spend sometime with the art girls. but i was really sad today.
i couldn't paint on the huge sized canvas that i wanted to paint on. and i had to settle for a smaller one, because miss niar didn't trust that i would finish on time. there is only 2 months left, and i and not even halfway through my work. this is when the stress starts pilling up.
comming back everyday for lessons is not helping, at the rate that i'm going, i'm never going to finish.
every art lesson now is important. This concers my fucking o'levels for god's sake.
THIS IS THE FUCKING O'LEVELS. its no joke... i'm really stressed, and i'm not able to sleep at night.
i retire to bed at 12, but i never seem to sleep. i just can't.
the eyebags are building up and the stress is piling up.
just want to make a shout-out:
Nothing much has been happening, but i HAVE been doing my work (art) diligently. i guess.... well my final composition is working out just fine, i only have the background to worry about for now. every thing should be done by tomorrow.
Then i can order my canvas <3 its height is gonna span to 1meter. and width is not decided as of yet. but i can tell you its gonna be huge!
Debbie-kun's PSP is SUPER addicive XD and that "sperm" game thing is soooo funny! i keep getting bigger and longer~!! whoots~! gamed it quite a few times XD (i had HUGEEE WINGS!)
and Cher-chan donated a piece of me to me today <3 thanks dear!
Art lessons ensues tomorrow, 10-6pm. its gonna continue like that for the next few days.
Our art cam has been cancelled. so we'll be working till 10pm at night on those days. and i really did want to spend the night with the rest of the art girls... booo...
me and annie are gay. NOT!!! haha people in art might get this.
Thanks for the help annie!!!
My clique is going out tomorrow to watch kung-fu panda.... I WANTED TO WATCH~~(cries) i can only blame myself for giving the wrong dates. well, maybe next time~ (or if my brothers wants to watch it.....)
hey, not gonna blog much today <3 nothing exciting has been going on =___=
maybe except that i have painted my nails? LOL
anyways, i am supposed to start on my layout sketches, but as of right now, i don't have my references pictures for the homosexuality part of my work. boo...
and for the record, i'm is utter slack-land right now.
for the next whole week i'll be busy from 10am-6pm daily. from monday to thursday it'll all be art lessons. and on friday to saturdey it'll be a 2day 1 night art camp at school.
haha me, cher-chan, debbie-kun and annie will fall asleep under the stars and also explore the school at night. when you don't see me on sunday, means i've alreaqdy been taken by the ghosts at school XDD after all the guards LOCK UP the school at 7? so we'll be locked in, and no one would be able to hear our screams.
thats pretty much all thats happening XD
yup and i have rekindled the fire i have for gazette~! been negleting them for D blood syndrome D=
after watching a ton of gazette vids~ i have fallen in love with them all over again~ *sigh*

zzZZ.... hmmm sa-sasukee-teme...

hmm? oh-hayo... *yawn* (morning..g)


darling teddy bear~

looking good naruto~! ano sa ano sa~! have you seen sasuke anywhere?
hehe <3
my small trial of my naruto pajamas version~ <3 <3
how is it?? =D
first time binding too XD the medical tape way.