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Saturday, May 31, 2008 12:05 AM
Cosplay blog skipping right now =3

found all of Huangshan's photos. *___* (is very very satisfied right now) My mom says he is trying to seduce people. he certantly have. (me)

HE IS SO SEXY~ though people think he is a girl =D

anyways~ more about life.

it sucks.

thats all there is to it. My olevel's chinese went for the worse. Sadly. the paper one was fine, but paper 2 totally stumped me. it was hard =/

i figure i'b be taking the re-test later on in the year.

and i've once again changed my idea for my o'lvl art. i'm incoperating homosexuality into my concept. (YESSSSSSS)

now i just have to find the right people to do it for meee *SHING* (watch out whatever remaining pretty boys out there, i'm gonna get ya)

OH! i finally ordered my books~ Boy meets boy and Dangerous Angels. kino had no stock, i'll have to wait for 4-6 weeks for it to arrive. (damn guy from kino called early in the morning to inform me of that)

well~ thats about all...?

OH!!! OH!!

MONONOKE ROCKS~ indeed, it is one anime that gets you thinking. its so full of beautiful symbolism and underlining meaning. its really deep, and it totally attracts me to its unique art style.

and mrs ow is my greatest idol. i just want to make this shout out to my wonderful sensei. MRS OW~~~~~~~~ she rocks my socks~!

been staying back every day of this week , to work on the props for the school musical. (shhh.. top secret) been reaching home about 7-8 each day.

i rather lake it actually. me and the other committe members stay till 7 while the others leave at 5:30 plus?

some committe bonding time =)

i really like it. and is sort of proud of it too (blush)

well thats all for tonight? will be going out with evon tomorrow (tentative), stupid huimin, i wanted to eat japanese dessert with you too!!

and eating dinner with my two darling kors on sunday~!!!! (looking forward to it~!)


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Sunday, May 18, 2008 7:50 PM

"tempt not a desperate man"


i am UBER jealous of juliet in "Romeo + Juliet".

i could have acted in her role (huff), though i would have been 4 (1996) then XDD Leonardo is ABSOLUTELY CHARMING~~ sighhhh~

Watched Moulin Rouge and Romeo+Juliet with huimin on saturday~~ ROCKED LIKE MADD!!!

Anyway, my family today (excluding my mom who is in sydney) did the laundry. and as expected, something DID happen. LOL



The colour of my sister's new towel stained all the clothes, and now my PL lite shirt is PINK.

thank gods my skinny jeans were spared from the horror!

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Monday, May 12, 2008 10:02 PM

Me so sad.
Me want blind your eyes 8D

Cages are of no difficulty for my dog. apprently it just learnt how to open its cage on its own, today. I have no idea how it does it, shall put my camcorder on standby someday.
My dog looks like an oversized rat.

Today's paper was beyond bad. It sucked.

It was by far the worst paper this mid-year. which says alot, seeing how every single paper is a 100% fail.

yeap. And i am supposed to do my art, LIKE NOW. but after my paper today, i really DON'T want to have to deal with art now.

Procrastination's the WORD.

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Sunday, May 11, 2008 2:55 PM

the second day with out a maid, people might think that hell would have broken loose by now, but things are going unexpectantly fine. (laugh)

working hard for my art mid-years! hope that everything goes well!


"Helloー. The other day, I received an unexpected present from Asagi-kun!

Wham! A "DSQUARED2" T-shirt!! It seems the size I received was incorrect but, because size is not really a problem for me (laugh) I'll wear it often!
Because I've overly happy, I tried to write about it here (laugh)."
(Ruiza's Blog Quote"

Ruiza got a present from Asagi-kun

And is "overly happy" about it! @___@

Asagi wakes Ruiza up by tapping him lightly on the shoulder. and calling him "Ru its time to wake up..."



Ruiza plays FFVII (Zack) CRISIS CORE (WITH ASAGI) Dragon Quest 4 FFXIII ON PS3

"Oh yes, I'm changing the subject suddenly but Asagi-kun seems to have to purchased Crisis Core (yippee). Because I also plan to buy the Ultimania (a walkthrough/guide book), he'll be coming to ask me about everything (laugh)! "

(Direct quote from RUIZA's BLOG!!!)

Who ever said J-rockers are all nerds, are probably right.

Apperently Rui-chan (Asagi calls him that >w<) played the mandolin till his fingers bled, for asagi's "ideal" feel for the song.

(Asagi blog Quote)
"Rui-chan played the mandolin for it!
The great atmosphere that was coming out is good, but his fingers kept bleeding when he was practicing; it appeared to be painful......"

"last one for today is "Graveless", a Rui-chan song.
This song, the image immediately flowed when Rui-chan first gave me the original melody,"
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Friday, May 09, 2008 11:09 PM
okay, short post before the day ends <3

went to play basket ball with my clique today =D

but sprained my knee when i fell, so it hurts really badly now. (eeps, if my mom knows that it was hurt during basketball she's gonna freak)

then declined to go on the partial clique outing to hougang mall, but still went anyways (laugh)

umm, took purikura <3 shall scan it in tomorrow <3

Ate ajisan ramen~! MISO CHAR SIEW <3<3 Rocks my socks,and apprerntly Huimin took the warning of "spicy" for the volcano ramen forgranted. she was sniffing and tearing through her bowl of ramen (laughs) but the thought that it cost 10 bucks, she perservered XD she's not the type of person who would admit defeat to a little bowl of chili (no she isnt XD).

not much done, but still spent 4 hours there XD

My maid has officially left for home (cries)

i wonder how we are going to suvive...

the future looks bleak .__.

she's not coming back (she's getting married, arranged marriage), and my mom is determined for us to suvive with out a maid. which is not possible, looking back at the time when my maid went home for a home visit. we couldn't even last 1 month. and my mom, PMS-ed her way through that period of time =___=

and whats worse, she's having her period now... crap.

Shall scan the stuff up tomorrow, and submit some work on deviantart.

I drew cher-chan's yuzhe for her, shall scan it tomorrow as well. drew jiro seducing yuzhe XD (rabid yaoi fangirl-izm)

Leaving my art alone won't get it done. god! i've already missed 2 months of my period because i have to art to finish. (its very stressful i swear)

i see you there,
a paintbrush at hand,
and a small pink smurge on my canvas.
you're tainting me again.
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Thursday, May 08, 2008 12:00 AM
my mom was evesdropping on me and my sister's conversation, and found out that my sis' not straight. i mean wasn't that like a known fact?

oh well, my mom has been deluding herself. and now she's rambling on about the bible?

crap, what if she finds out abt me and bear-chan long time ago, and what if she finds out about *beep-canvas* now?! and that i'm like attracted to *censored*?!



like i TOLD her not to put us in a girl's school *face palms*

anyways~ found a great gazette song.

hear it.
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Wednesday, May 07, 2008 3:27 PM

Yup, you got that right, EPIC FAIL.

need the dictionary meaning?

heroic; majestic; impressively great
of unusually great size or extent

to fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, desired, or approved
to receive less than the passing grade or mark in an examination, class, or course of study
to be or become deficient or lacking; be insufficient or absent; fall short

There we go, Epic Fail, and impressively and unusually great, fail.

Such is the status of my mid-year exams till now. yes yes, you got that right... Eugene the genius is FAIL-ing. i mean, wow, what a suprise. (sarcasm fully intended)

Oh well, can i can't blame anybody but myself. i've been so lazy and whatnot. its really no surprise that i would fall to my demise.

and the madness of my house isn't exacally aid-ing me. more like adding fuel to my already failing negative fire.


Gods save me.

Anyway, tomorrow is my death day, i mean MATH AND CHEM? TOGETHER?!

yup, seems like "Epic Fail" is gonna top my list of favourite words again.

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Tuesday, May 06, 2008 6:39 PM
My parents are tearing at each others throat again. I really don't need this right now. Not especially since tomorrow is my bio exam...

Mom's being a dominating bitch, and my father's being over violent, throwing my mom's stuff around and screaming. Both are such hassles.

Should i bolt away from here, and spend a few nights somewhere else?


There are crashes form somewhere outside my room, and i really don't want to care about it right now.

My mom insists on calling her handyman back to shift her furniture back when he just left. (and i'm glad he did) She's so demanding...

This is not good on my body, i feel like throwing up.
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Sexual Disgrace.// feat D

_* Filth in Beauty.*_

Closet mind, distorted instability.
Please release me before breaking
How long. How long. How long.
In humilation, the countless fatal,
deep scar...was born




ADM, DC21.
Art Student <3


Get really good results for O'levels!
New ipod
Bobbi Brown gel eyeliner
white sexy headphones
Art of coffee, barista
Bass lessons
high socks
new shirts
platform boots


Jia Ping
Ken the jellybean.
Emeline :)

This is for my own conveince but please do drop by =)

Fanfiction Account
Deviantart Account (my art gallery)
FictionPress Account (my original stories)


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desginer : Mizurei
Mizurei did the body outline of the blog, i personally changed the pictures and colour schemes (^____^)V
-Zilian Li Tianlong