my art is oging down the drain. i have no idea what i am doing.
i think i might have to restart all over again.
what should i do, what Can i do? i'm so lousy at indept thinking, and i just hate myself for bing so flippant about everything. i should just give up.
ate so much today~ so darn fattttt *squeezes fats*
can go supply to the world. then don't need to buy from iraq XD
and WAY TOO LAZY to study for my science commontest. i'm determined to fail my chemistry T^T
have been watching Coffee Prince~
today ate 4 sandwiches, each 4cm high, 2 cream bread, one cheeze. >__> one BIG bowl of salted vegetable soup~
FATS I SWEAR~ fats bombarding my body~
finally went to advertise for my models today. but i think not alot of people will sign up with a crazy girl like me XDD.
at least i've got the studio for my shoot, if that person rejects, i'll have no choice but to go for lao ma >D. get ready mr. goh HE HE HE~
my ad:
looking for models/photographers , please? <3
hello~ i'm in desperate need for two models!!!
i need some reference for my O'levels art paper, and i was hoping i could get it here.
i need 2 models, male or REALLY manly girls (which look totally like guys), chinese, with hopefully slender bodies. metrosexual (morden men). and are willing to pose for my topic.
one will be clothed in a traditional kimono/ yutaka, and another will be in morden japanese punk.
make up will be done by me <3
my topic is morden & traditional.
i'm hoping that the models are willing to pose boldly. like this?:

please oh please? i really really need help!! and really soon, my art teacher is gonna chop my head off soon X___x.
please send me a picture of yourselves! thank you so much!!! thank you thank you!
may be a studio/ outdoor shot. Photographers are welcomed, especially if interested, for their portfoilos
Slacked the whole of yesterday, and truthfully i don't remember what i was doing in the morning XDD
i was so bored, i started painting at about 4 plus till 10 plus. and didn't eat till then XD i painted Shan Huang, my idol! the KING of cosplay~ he's really really cool~
the original picture:

as you can see, my angle work is not so good, so he tends to look upwards. XDD
but i am satisfied~ <3
today was ALL SLACK!! because of the rain, i cannot go out, to play ball or jog. i feel fat. i've been wolfing down food/otas at the speed of light!!! AH FAT FAT. and doing nothing but watching D. gray man. FAT FAT!!!
i'll have to go jogging soon!!! and play some more basketball!!
also i have to make some money!! i'm stupendously BROKE! 50bucks to last me the next what? hundred days!? O___O i'm so dead.
and i wanna buy my cosplay outfit T^T NOOOOOOOO!!!!!
oh well the good thing is, today i managed to get my character names for "Maturity"
Eliza, Tobias, Zaphel and Trogen.
happy happy~
Of Garter belts and Ruizas
Garter belts!!! its those things that are really really sexy!! that is LACY and worn around the hips and clipped on to stockings! that GARTER BELT!! RUIZA IS WEARING IT!!! RUIZA IS WEARING IT!!!! see that white lace thing?!