its been 9555 years since i updated here or my livejournal account XD the first term of school is already over like WOOSH!! my education is definately going down the drain, i can't even spell properly O_o and my art! OMG! going down the drain definately. from when i was scoring 90s are now what 65?! my art teacher is soooo strict in marking!! he ( i quote) "parang-ed me, bazooka-ed me, sniper rifle-ed me and bomb-ed me" on my course work. my o'levels art looks REALLY bleak now O_o.
and my mom refused to pay my art school fees, so i'm missing out on EVEN MORE art that i'm supposed to. but i guess i should be more contented that the POA girls. the sure seem like they are having a real hard time counting X) but any way, i'll try to do my best in everything YEA!
the real depressing thing is.... MY PS2 GAME!! Devil May Cry 3! i'm stuck!!!!! stuping F%$%ing clown and the no exit doors!!!! I WANT DANTE TO MEET VERGIL!!!!!!!!! *pulls hair* but at least i'm doing better in my KingomHearts 2 but i still think my Sora's weak x).
the bestest thing is.... I ORDERD DUE LE QUARTZ BEST ALBUM!!!!!!!! YAYYYYY its so expensive though. but it rare!! that disbanded in what 2002? and MiyaBi has gone solo as MiyaVi the PV guy in my eariler post ^^ Sakito-sama is sooo hot!!!!!!!!
Due' le Quartz
Left to Right: Drums.KAZUKI, Bass.KIKASA, Vocals. SAKITO, Guitar.MIYABI